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Frankfurt Frankfurt
Gift cleaning Gift cleaning
Gift cleaning Gift cleaning

Prices for our services


Prices for cleaning after repair

High-quality and fast completion of repairs in your apartment
  • Complete final cleaning after construction or repair
  • You return to a clean apartment where you can start living
  • We have fixed prices
  • We will do the cleaning in one day
  • You can pay by card or cash
  • We have professional equipment, necessary equipment and an experienced team
Window cleaning prices

Window cleaning prices

Window washing - it is glass on both sides, frame, window sill. We have fixed prices, and you immediately know the final price. You can pay for window cleaning with a card or cash.

We provide discounts for employees

Premium programs

* For more information about bonuses, check with your company's managers

If your company wants to become a partner and receive bonuses for employees, fill out the form below and our manager will contact you